Thursday, May 5, 2011

Garlic Noodles Mystery

One of my favorite noodle shops in HK (and there are thousands) is 7-11.

(Daddy Roux makes fun of me, but I like what I like. I am not ashamed of liking gas station food. :) I come from a fried chicken liver, potato log-loving gas station eating family. )

After several attempts to recreate the texture and taste of Hong Kong's 7-11's Garlic Noodles, I gave up. Nothing was working.

So I went searching for the packaged version.

I could not find a garlic flavored noodle among the hundreds at the grocery. And trust me, I searched, tested and was still defeated.

So, I did what I should have done on day one. Investigate.

I went into a 7-11, used a lot of pointing and body language and managed to get them to show me the packaging behind their now famous garlic noodles.

And mystery solved. Now I know.

Hmmm, no wonder I could not find this, or replicate, I was not looking for egg, pea and shrimp noodles.....but all I know is, I like it.


  1. How exactly do they make it? I've had them they just make the noodles then add the sauce packet without any water? I'd love to find out!

  2. I'm really fortunate to have stumbled upon your blog. I've been looking for the "recipe" of the garlic noodles they serve at 7-11. Like you, it is also my favorite. I've tasted a lot of noodles but I never get tired of eating this. I was also looking for garlic flavored noodles at the local groceries but did not find something similar. I was sure though that what they sold wasn't from scratch. Isn't "goreng" malaysian, though? Maybe that's why we had a hard time finding it, wasn't Chinese after all. :)

  3. Indomi is the brand, It's so simple, it's frustrating!! Simply prepared by boiling water, dropping the noodles in, then straining once cooked. Cut open the little sauce packets and stir in. Sometimes I leave out the chili sauce (red sauce) for non spicy version. 7-11 has the water already boiling, sonthey just drop them in for a few seconds, they also have the little plastic bowls already fitted with the sauces.

  4. I'm so happy to find that I am not crazy and other people LOVE the 7-11 garlic noodles as much as I do!! I lived in HK last year, and I think the garlic noodles might be one of the food items I miss the most! I too have searched high and low in every asian market, but I see now I was looking for the wrong thing! My only question is, aren't there little chunks of garlic in 7-11's version? Is this included in the Indomi package? If I can replicate these garlic noodles... I think my life might be complete!
    Thank you so much for your blog entry!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I absolutely love garlic noodles and they are really easy to make. I eat them as a afternoon snack 3-4 times a week.


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