Love Actually, love love this one, such a sweet movie, and it reminds me of Our 2 amazing Christmas' we spent there.
The Holiday, an all time favorite even out of season, watched it so many times in London, used to dream about it....
The Family Stone, Mollee pointed out that HK is mentioned in this film as the place the couple met, neither of us paid any attention until now, so funny.
Christmas Vacation, a classic and one The Benefields watch religiously each year.
A Christmas Story, AKA "you'll shoot your eye out" a Gill favorite for sure.
And the classics of course, plus Charlie Brown, The Grinch...
I wish we could have a fire going and watch these movies right now with a big tin drum of popcorn, separated into three sections: cheese, regular and caramel, preferably with some horrible snowy christmas scene on the side of the bin. The one below will do. Oh, American Christmas I miss thee....
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I saw Holiday for the first time this year and fell in love with it.