
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Party like a 3 year old.

My sweet "Baby Roux" turned 3 this week. We celebrated with a pizza themed party.
To balance out all the yummy greasy pizza, we had lots of fun fruit on hand. I even snuck fruit onto the cake.
Rainbow fruit kabobs: Strawberry, mandarin oranges, pineapple, kiwi, blue berries, grapes. Easy, fresh, simple and the kids ate them up quickly!
For the cake I made a "dessert pizza" toped with fruit:
Brownie base (from the box) cooked directly on the pizza pan. Topped with homemade buttercream, but cool whip could be a nice sub, I was afraid it would melt and be slippery. Then I jut put beautiful fresh fruit on top and sprinkled sweet coconut to look like cheese. I presented it in a pizza box.
You don't think I would have a party without cake?!? Mini cupcakes toped with red buttercream. It was hard to get the buttercream red! It looked pink even with a ton of coloring. But I sprinkled red sugar on top and that helped. Green chocolate pieces for toppings and sweet coconut for cheese. Pizza Cupcakes!
Goodie Bags:
Pizza sticker book from Amazon, gummy pizzas, a sucker a d and play duh. I handed these out during the party so the kids could enjoy making their own pizzas together. Why wait? It was a fun activity and ensures all that work gets put to good use!
I had extra suckers and plastic bugs in my pocket and handed them out to each child who thanked me. Just a little something extra.
Our local pizzeria.

Of course, the simple things make the party most fun!

PS- this is what you get when you ask men to hang up the crepe paper.....

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