
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Look What I Got!!

  This little bottle of Tonys has come a long way. 

It was the number one thing on my "pretty please with a cherry on top, bring over from the States"  list  that I  hit my sister-in-law up with before she arrived last week. 

She lives in Chicago but could not find my beloved Creole seasoning anywhere. 
How do people live without this stuff?  
The bottle says it is world-famous. If it was world famous, it should be in Hong Kong!! At least Chicago!

  Not to  panic, my every so smart sister-in-law, she is an actuary, (I just had to Google that ) thought of a new plan and had my in-laws send her a bottle just in time.

This bottle of Louisiana goodness made it's way from Opelousas, Louisiana to Tuscaloosa, Alabama to Chicago, Illinois, and finally to my hands in Hong Kong.
I don't need to know your past, just that you'll spend your future with me....Thank you Tony Chachere, my in-laws and thank you to my sister-in-law! It was a team effort, a great on everything team effort. 


  1. Isn't it great to have friends and family help you out this way? I get regular shipments of crab boil (berl!), Creole seasonings, cane syrup and dried beans from home. Couldn't live without 'em! Cheers, chere!

  2. That stuff is great! I live in Texas and we use it lots. I guess it is because we are so close to Louisiana.

  3. @ Make a Roux: I hear you. I would kill for some crab boil. It is on my list for my parents visit in October. We have so many fresh crabs year round here!

    @ Royaltygirl: Texas is a whole other country, but you can help but get some of that Louisiana loving being so close! I would love to have some BBQ and chips and salsa from your home state right about now!!

  4. I didn't know about Tony's until I got to college. But now I can't live without it. I can't believe it can't be found in Chicago.

  5. @Ruth I learned a lot at Ole Miss too!! hotty toddy!


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